Reset iDrac on Dell R720

Reset iDrac on Dell R720

Install racadm on CentOS 6 / RHEL 6 for Dell iDRAC

Almost every tutorial I’ve looked at tells you to install the racadm utility by downloading the OMSA tarball and installing all the RPMs, etc. It’s a lot easier to install from the srvadmin repository. If you’re using Ubuntu, click here. For Centos/RHEL, here’s how:

First, wget and run the repo install script from Dell. This will make the srvadmin packages available to yum.

[whobbs@centos6 ~]# wget -q -O - | bash
Next, you can list all the srvadmin packages and pick what you want. In my case, all I need is racadm for iDRAC7, so I’ll just install that to keep it simple.

[whobbs@centos6 ~]# yum -y install srvadmin-idrac7
You will see this message after it installs, meaning you will need to logout to use plain old racadm from the CLI. Otherwise, you’ll need to use the full path since $PATH has not been reset (until you logout/login).

After the install process completes, you may need
to log out and then log in again to reset the PATH
variable to access the Server Administrator CLI utilities

At this point, whether you logout or not, racadm is available to use from the full path. On my CentOS 6 installation, it was in /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/.

[whobbs@centos6 ~]# sudo /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/racadm -r -u root -p calvin help
Security Alert: Certificate is invalid - self signed certificate
Continuing execution. Use -S option for racadm to stop execution on certificate-related errors.

help [subcommand] -- display usage summary for a subcommand
arp -- display the networking ARP table
clearasrscreen -- clear the last ASR (crash) screen
closessn -- close a session
clrraclog -- clear the RAC log
clrsel -- clear the System Event Log (SEL)
config -- Deprecated: modify RAC configuration properties
coredump -- display the last RAC coredump
coredumpdelete -- delete the last RAC coredump
eventfilters -- Alerts configuration commands
fwupdate -- update the RAC firmware
get -- display RAC configuration properties
getconfig -- Deprecated: display RAC configuration properties
getled -- Get the state of the LED on a module.
getniccfg -- display current network settings
getraclog -- display the RAC log
getractime -- display the current RAC time
getsel -- display records from the System Event Log (SEL)
getsensorinfo -- display system sensors
getssninfo -- display session information
getsvctag -- display service tag information
getsysinfo -- display general RAC and system information
gettracelog -- display the RAC diagnostic trace log
getuscversion -- display the current USC version details
getversion -- display the current version details
ifconfig -- display network interface information
inlettemphistory -- inlet temperature history operations
krbkeytabupload -- upload kerberose keytab file to the RAC
lclog -- LCLog operations
frontpanelerror -- hide LCD errors - color amber to blue
netstat -- display routing table and network statistics
ping -- send ICMP echo packets on the network
ping6 -- send ICMP echo packets on the network
racdump -- display RAC diagnostic information
racinternalversion -- Deprecated: Internal command for version exchange
racreset -- perform a RAC reset operation
racresetcfg -- restore the RAC configuration to factory defaults
remoteimage -- make a remote ISO image available to the server
serveraction -- perform system power management operations
set -- modify RAC configuration properties
setled -- Set the state of the LED on a module.
setniccfg -- modify network configuration properties
sshpkauth -- manage SSH PK authentication keys on the RAC
sslcertupload -- upload an SSL certificate to the RAC
sslcertdelete -- delete an SSL certificate on the iDRAC
sslcertdownload -- download an SSL certificate from the RAC
sslcertview -- view SSL certificate information
sslcsrgen -- generate a certificate CSR from the RAC
sslEncryptionStrength -- Display or modify the SSL Encryption strength.
sslkeyupload -- upload an SSL key to the RAC
sslresetcfg -- resets the web certificate to default and restarts the web server.
testemail -- test RAC e-mail notifications
testtrap -- test RAC SNMP trap notifications
testalert -- test RAC SNMP - FQDN trap notifications
traceroute -- print the route packets trace to network host
traceroute6 -- print the route packets trace to network host
usercertupload -- upload an user certificate to the DRAC
usercertview -- view user certificate information
vflashpartition -- manage partitions on the vFlash SD card
vflashsd -- perform vFlash SD Card initialization
vmdisconnect -- disconnect Virtual Media connections
vmkey -- Deprecated: perform vFlash operations
license -- License Manager commands
debug -- Field Service Debug Authorization facility commands
raid -- Monitoring and Inventory of H/W RAID connected to the server.
hwinventory -- Monitoring and Inventory of H/W NICs connected to the server.
nicstatistics -- Statistics for NICs connected to the server.
fcstatistics -- Statistics for FCs connected to the server.
update -- Platform Update of the devices on the server
jobqueue -- Jobqueue of of the jobs currently scheduled
systemconfig -- Backup &/or Restore of iDRAC Config and Firmware


idRacInfo -- Information about iDRAC being queried
cfgRemoteHosts -- Properties for configuration of the SMTP server
cfgUserAdmin -- Information about iDRAC users
cfgEmailAlert -- Parameters to configure e-mail alerting capabilities
cfgSessionManagement -- Information of the session Properties
cfgSerial -- Provides configuration parameters for the iDRAC
cfgOobSnmp -- Configuration of the SNMP agent and trap capabilities
cfgRacTuning -- Configuration for various iDRAC properties.
ifcRacManagedNodeOs -- Properties of the managed server OS
cfgRacSecurity -- Configure SSL certificate signing request settings
cfgRacVirtual -- Configuration Properties for iDRAC Virtual Media
cfgActiveDirectory -- Configuration of the iDRAC Active Directory feature
cfgLDAP -- Configuration properties for LDAP settings
cfgLdapRoleGroup -- Configuration of role groups for LDAP
cfgLogging -- Group Description for group cfgLogging
cfgStandardSchema -- Configuration of AD standard schema settings
cfgIpmiSerial -- Properties to configure the IPMI serial interface
cfgIpmiSol -- Configuration the SOL capabilities of the system
cfgIpmiLan -- Configuration the IPMI over LAN of the system
cfgIpmiPef -- Configuration the platform event filters
cfgServerPower -- Provides power management features
cfgServerPowerSupply -- Provides information related to the power supplies
cfgVFlashSD -- Configure the properties for the vFlash SD card
cfgVFlashPartition -- Configure partitions on the vFlash SD Card
cfgUserDomain -- Configure the Active Directory user domain names
cfgSmartCard -- Properties to access iDRAC using a smart card
cfgServerInfo -- Configuration of first boot device
cfgSensorRedundancy -- Configure the power supply redundancy
cfgLanNetworking -- Parameters to configure the iDRAC NIC
cfgStaticLanNetworking -- Parameters to configure the iDRAC NIC
cfgNetTuning -- Group Description for group cfgNetTuning
cfgIPv6LanNetworking -- Configuration of the IPv6 over LAN networking
cfgIPv6StaticLanNetworking -- Configuration of the IPv6 over LAN networking
cfgIPv6URL -- Configuration of the iDRAC IPv6 URL.